Use case diagrams describe the expected functionality of a system.
The emphasis is on " what " is done for the system , and not the
" how ". A use case represents an interaction between the actors in
the system. Use case is a specific job , such as logging into the system ,
clicking -create a shopping list , and sebagainya.Seorang / an actor is a human
or a machine entity that interacts with the system to perform certain tasks. Use case diagrams can be very helpful when we are putting together a
system of requirements , design communicate with clients , and designing test
cases for all the features that exist on the system. A use case can either
include another use case functionality as part of a process in itself. It is
generally assumed that the use case will be invoked every time include use
cases include the clicking - executed normally. A use case can be include by more than one other use case , so that
duplication of functionality can be avoided by pulling out the common
functionality. A use case can also be extended another use case with its own
behavior.While the relationship between use case generalization shows that
one use case is a specialization of the other.
Relations in the Use Case
- There are some relationships that are in use case diagram :
- Association, the connecting link between the elements.
- Generalization , also called inheritance ( inheritance ) , an element can be a specialization of another element.
- Dependency , an element depends in some way to every other element.
- Aggregation , Association forms in which an element contains other elements.
- Types of relationships / stereotypes that may occur in the Use Case diagram :
- << include >>, behavior that must be met so that an event can occur , where the condition is a use case is part of another use case.
- << extends >>, behavior that runs only under certain conditions such as moving the alarm.
- Communicates << >>, may be added to the association that showed association was Communicates association.This is the association of choice for the type of relationship that allowed only between actor and use case.
- Use case diagrams consist of :
- Use case
Use case purpose made based actor , is " what " the
system worked , not " how " the system do it . Use case is named that
states what is achieved from the interaction with the actors . Use case denoted with images ( horizontal ellipse ) Use case usually
use the verb use case name should consist of a few words and there should be no
two use cases that have the same name .
2. Actors
- Actor describe people , systems or external entities / stakeholders who provide or receive information from the system
- Actor describe a task / role and position rather than a position
- Actor giving input or receive information from the system
- Actor normally use nouns
- There should be no direct communication between actors
- Indication << system >> to an actor that is a system
- The actor is named " Time " which indicate scheduled events ( an event that occurs periodically / monthly )
- Put your main actor in the top left corner of the diagram
in this case, I
made a usecase diagram on the blog.
you are a blogger / user, when the
user will manage profile, manage comment or post an article she must log in
first. A user will manage its profile by inputting personal data that can be
read by the viewer, users can also edit your profile or if there error can
also delete a user profile. Before its users post an article, the user will
make his first article. When there was a post already in less then he can edit
his article. The article was also posted by the user can delete. The viewer who opened his blog can read the
article that was in the post and can also leave comments on the blog. Once the
viewer to give comments on his blog, users can reply to comments of the viewer
to be more close to the viewer, especially if the user can answer the question
her directly through the reply comments.
Actor :
• User
• Viewer
Use Case :
• Log On
• Manage Profile
• Input New Profile
• Edit
• Delete Profile
• Posting Article
• Create Article
• Edit Article
• Delete Article
• Article Reply
• Manage Comment
• View Article
• Comment Articel
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