Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

The Future of App Development: Touch to Build?

The Present

How does software get built today? The image of software engineers hunkering down over their computers is a familiar sight and is representative of how things work today. Building software and apps is the domain of experienced computer programmers and coders, of which there is a real shortage. This global phenomenon (check out a finding from the European Commission, for example) is not new, and will only get worse.

The Future

Now, imagine a future where non-coders are able to build and maintain apps. It may sound far-fetched and impractical now, but this is where we believe the world is heading. With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, IT literacy and competency are rapidly increasing all over the world. With the emergence and growth of low-code platforms, and the feedback from the Joget Workflow community, the trends point towards a future where more and more people are becoming creators, not just consumers of software.
At Joget, our vision is a business world where apps can be built and managed anytime, anywhere. But just as how smartphones revolutionized photography for the average person as opposed to professional photographers, software development professionals will still play a big role at a deeper level. However, the time is ripe for everyone to be able to create software when required. Imagine someone walking around with an iPad to build apps anytime, anywhere. Dragging some elements here, dropping some stuff there, everyone is empowered to create.
Well, “touch to build” is arriving in the upcoming Joget Workflow v6. Watch this space for updates!

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

Password Creation

Password Creation

Configuring the password Rules

Joget allows you to define the password rules in the security plugin. These rules can be modified or set in the following location
System Settings>Directory Manager Settings>Configure Plugin(Security Enhanced Directory Manager)>Default Directory Password Policy
Check the rules and minimum length of the password

Click on Submit to save the settings

Creating initial Password

Create User allows administrators to create a password for a user or generate a random password. The randomness comes from a combination of pseudo-random numbers and alphabets. These numbers and alphabets are taken from the password policy rules set using the process described above
Checking the generate random password will allow the admin user to generate a random password for user and un checking the same would allow an admin to create a password for the user .

Managing Password changes

In case a user forgets a password or if an admin wants to force a change in password, Joget allows you to do this
  1. Admin can check "Reset Password" to send the new password to the user via Email. 
  2. Admin can also force user to change his password. Check "Force Password Change" to do that.
  3. Admin also has an option to check "No password Expiration" in case he/she doesn't want their user's password to expire.

Forcing a password change would require a user to change his password in the next login. The image below shows the screen that appears in case of forced password change. The user will have to enter the older password and the new password to complete the enforcement.

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013


How to Create Class Diagrams
To create and evolve a conceptual class diagram, you need to iteratively model:
Inheritance relationships
Composition associations
Class diagram : are the best design tool for development teams. This Diagram helps developers get the structure of the system before the code is written, and helps to ensure that the system is the best design.
Clas diagram used  : to display classes and packages in the system. Class a diagram give you a static system and relation between them. Usually, make some single class diagram to systems. Some will diagram showing a subset of classes and relatives. Can be made some diagram according to desirable to get a complete picture against system built.
The purpose of a class diagram is to depict the classes within a model. In an object oriented application,
classes have attributes (member variables), operations (member functions) and relation-ships with other classes. The UML class diagram can depict all these things quite easily. The
fundamental element of the class diagram is an icon the represents a class. This icon is shown in.
Classes are interrelated to each other in specific ways. In particular, relationships in class diagrams include different types of logical connections. The following are such types of logical connections that are possible in UML: 
  • Association
  • Directed Association
  • Reflexive Association
  • Multiplicity
  • Aggregation
  • Composition
  • Inheritance/Generalization
  • Realization

is a broad term that encompasses just about any logical connection or relationship between classes
Directed Association
refers to a directional relationship represented by a line with an arrowhead.
Reflexive Association
occurs when a class may have multiple functions or responsibilities
is the active logical association when the cardinality of a class in relation to another is being depicted
refers to the formation of a particular class as a result of one class being aggregated or built as a collection
is very similar to the aggregation relationship, with the only difference being its key purpose of emphasizing the dependence of the contained class to the life cycle of the container class.
refers to a type of relationship wherein one associated class is a child of another by virtue of assuming the same functionalities of the parent class
denotes the implementation of the functionality defined in one class by another class.
Simple class diagram with attributes and operations
In the example, a class called “loan account” is depicted. Classes in class diagrams are represented by boxes that are partitioned into three:
The top partition contains the name of the class.
The middle part contains the class’s attributes.
The bottom partition shows the possible operations that are associated with the class.
Those should be pretty easy to see in the example: the class being described is a loan account, some of whose attributes include the type of loan, the name of the borrower/loaner, the specific date the loan was released and the loan amount. As in the real world, various transactions or operations may be implemented on existing loans such as renew and extend.  The example shows how class diagrams can encapsulate all the relevant data in a particular scenario in a very systematic and clear way.
In object-oriented modeling, class diagrams are considered the key building blocks that enable information architects, designers, and developers to show a given system’s classes, their attributes, the functions or operations that are associated with them, and the relationships among the different classes that make up a system.

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

UseCase Diagram Blog

          Use case diagrams describe the expected functionality of a system. The emphasis is on " what " is done for the system , and not the " how ". A use case represents an interaction between the actors in the system. Use case is a specific job , such as logging into the system , clicking -create a shopping list , and sebagainya.Seorang / an actor is a human or a machine entity that interacts with the system to perform certain tasks. Use case diagrams can be very helpful when we are putting together a system of requirements , design communicate with clients , and designing test cases for all the features that exist on the system. A use case can either include another use case functionality as part of a process in itself. It is generally assumed that the use case will be invoked every time include use cases include the clicking - executed normally. A use case can be include by more than one other use case , so that duplication of functionality can be avoided by pulling out the common functionality. A use case can also be extended another use case with its own behavior.While the relationship between use case generalization shows that one use case is a specialization of the other.
Relations in the Use Case

  • There are some relationships that are in use case diagram :

  1. Association, the connecting link between the elements.
  2. Generalization , also called inheritance ( inheritance ) , an element can be a specialization of another element.
  3. Dependency , an element depends in some way to every other element.
  4. Aggregation , Association forms in which an element contains other elements.

  • Types of relationships / stereotypes that may occur in the Use Case diagram :

  1. << include >>, behavior that must be met so that an event can occur , where the condition is a use case is part of another use case.
  2. << extends >>, behavior that runs only under certain conditions such as moving the alarm.
  3. Communicates << >>, may be added to the association that showed association was Communicates association.This is the association of choice for the type of relationship that allowed only between actor and use case.

  • Use case diagrams consist of :

  1. Use case

Use case purpose made ​​based actor , is " what " the system worked , not " how " the system do it . Use case is named that states what is achieved from the interaction with the actors . Use case denoted with images ( horizontal ellipse ) Use case usually use the verb use case name should consist of a few words and there should be no two use cases that have the same name .
      2.  Actors
  • Actor describe people , systems or external entities / stakeholders who provide or receive information from the system
  • Actor describe a task / role and position rather than a position
  • Actor giving input or receive information from the system
  • Actor normally use nouns
  • There should be no direct communication between actors
  • Indication << system >> to an actor that is a system
  • The actor is named " Time " which indicate scheduled events ( an event that occurs periodically / monthly )
  •  Put your main actor in the top left corner of the diagram

in this case, I made ​​a usecase diagram on the blog.
you are a blogger / user, when the user will manage profile, manage comment or post an article she must log in first. A user will manage its profile by inputting personal data that can be read by the viewer, users can also edit your profile or if there error can also delete a user profile. Before its users post an article, the user will make his first article. When there was a post already in less then he can edit his article. The article was also posted by the user can delete. The viewer who opened his blog can read the article that was in the post and can also leave comments on the blog. Once the viewer to give comments on his blog, users can reply to comments of the viewer to be more close to the viewer, especially if the user can answer the question her directly through the reply comments.

Actor :
• User
• Viewer
Use Case :
• Log On
• Manage Profile
• Input New Profile
• Edit
• Delete Profile
• Posting Article
• Create Article
• Edit Article
• Delete Article
• Article Reply
• Manage Comment
• View Article
• Comment Articel

Senin, 16 September 2013

The Basic ER Diagram—A Data Modeling Schema

What Is a Data Modeling Schema?
A data modeling schema is a method that allows us to model or illustrate a database. This device is often in the form of a graphic diagram, but other means of communication are also desirable — non computer-people may or may not understand diagrams and graphics. The ER diagram (ERD) is a graphic tool that facilitates data modeling. The ERD is a subset of "semantic models" in a database. Semantic models refer to models that intend to elicit meaning from data. ERDs are not the only semantic modeling tools, but they
are common and popular. When we begin to discuss the contents of a database, the data model helps to decide which piece of data goes with which other piece of data on a conceptual level. An early concept in databases is to recognize that there are levels of abstraction that we can use in discussing databases. For
example, if we were to discuss the filing of "names," we could discuss this: Abstractly, that is, "we will file names of people we know." or Concretely, that is, "we will file first, middle, and last names (20 characters each) of people we know, so that we can retrieve the names in alphabetical order on last name, and we will put this data in a spreadsheet format on package x." If a person is designing a database, the first step is to abstract and then refine the abstraction. The longer one stays away from the concrete details of logical models (relational, hierarchical, network) and physical realizations (fields [how many characters, the data type, etc.] and files [relative, spreadsheet]), the easier it is to change the model and to decide how the data will eventually be physically realized (stored). When we use the term "field" or "file," we will be referring to physical data as opposed to conceptual data. Mapping is the process of choosing a logical model and then moving to a physical database file system from a conceptual model (the ER diagram). A physical file loaded with data is necessary to actually get data from a database. Mapping is the bridge between the design concept and physical reality. In this book we concentrate on the relational database model due to its ubiquitousness in contemporary database models.
What Is an Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram?
The ER diagram is a semantic data modeling tool that is used to accomplish the goal of abstractly describing or portraying data. Abstractly described data is called a conceptual model. Our conceptual model will lead us to a "schema." A schema implies a permanent, fixed description of the structure of the data. Therefore, when we agree that we have captured the correct depiction of reality within our conceptual model, our ER diagram, we can call it a schema. An ER diagram could also be used to document an existing database by reverse-engineering it; but in introducing the subject, we focus on the idea of using an ER diagram to model a to-be-created database and deal with reverse-engineering later.
Defining the Database — Some Definitions: Entity,Relationship, Attribute
As the name implies, an ER diagram models data as entities and relationships, and entities have attributes. An entity is a thing about which we store data, for example, a person, a bank account, a building. In the original presentation, Chen (1976) described an entity as a "thing which can be distinctly identified." So an entity can be a person, place, object, event, or concept about which we wish to store data. The name for an entity must be one that represents a type or class of thing, not an instance. The name for an entity must be sufficiently generic but, at the same time, the name for an entity cannot be too generic. The name should also be able to accommodate changes "over time." For example, if we were modeling a business and the business made donuts, we might consider creating an entity called DONUT. But how long will it be before this business evolves into making more generic pastry? If it is anticipated that the business will involve pastry of all kinds rather than just donuts, perhaps it would be better to create an entity called PASTRY — it may be more applicable "over time." Some examples of entities include:
  1. Examples of a person entity would be EMPLOYEE, VET, or STUDENT.
  2. Examples of a place entity would be STATE or COUNTRY.
  3. Examples of an object entity would be BUILDING, AUTO, or PRODUCT.
  4. Example of an event entity would be SALES, RETURNS, or REGISTRATION.
  5. Examples of a concept entity would be ACCOUNT or DEPARTMENT.

In older data processing circles, we might have referred to an entity as a record, but the term "record" is too physical and too confining; "record" gives us a mental picture of a physical thing and, in order to work at the conceptual level, we want to avoid device-oriented pictures for the moment. In a database context, it is unusual to store information about one entity, so we think of storing collections of data about entities — such collections are called entity sets. Entity sets correspond to the concept of "files," but again, a file usually connotes a physical entity and hence we abstract the concept of the "file" (entity set) as well as the concept of a "record" (entity). As an example, suppose we have a company that has customers. You would imagine that the company had a customer entity set with individual customer entities in it. An entity may be very broad (e.g., a person), or it may be narrowed by the application for which data is being prepared (like a student or a customer). Broad entities, which cover a whole class of objects, are sometimes called generalizations (e.g., person), and narrower entities are sometimes called specializations (e.g., student). In later diagrams (in this book) we will revisit generalizations and specializations; but for now, we will concern ourselves with an application level where there are no subgroups (specializations) or supergroups (generalizations) of entities. When we speak of capturing data about a particular entity, we refer to this as
an instance. An entity instance is a single occurrence of an entity. For example, if we create an entity called TOOL, and if we choose to record data about a screwdriver, then the screwdriver "record" is an instance of TOOL. Each instance of an entity must be uniquely identifiable so that each instance is separate and distinctly identifiable from all other instances of that type of entity. In a customer entity set, you might imagine that the company would assign a unique customer number, for example. This unique identifier is called a key. A relationship is a link or association between entities. Relationships are usually denoted by verb phrases. We will begin by expanding the notion of an entity (in this chapter and the next), and then we will come back to the notion of a relationship (in Chapter 4) once we have established the concept of an entity. An attribute is a property or characteristic for an entity. For example, an entity, AUTOMOBILE, may have attributes type, color, vehicle_id, etc.

Minggu, 15 September 2013


What is Cardio and Benefits?

Cardio and Benefits
        Being fit and healthy is a wonderful thing.Because the body is the most valuable asset in your life. So, it is important to take good maintain health, the best option is to do cardio exercises. 
What is cardio exercise?
exercise involves any activity that requires the use of large muscle body on a regular basis and not disconnected, lift the heart rate between 60 to 85 percent of heart rate in normal circumstances. Several usual cardio activity that includes walking, jogging, running, aerobics, cycling, swimming and rowing. 
Did benefits of cardio exercise? 
1 . Gives Energy to the Body After doing cardio exercises regularly.You can feel the energy and endurance higher than ever before. 
2 .Preventing diseases  with regular cardio exercise means you have to prevent heart disease. It is also beneficial in preventing other diseases such as blood sugar, obesity and high cholesterol, in addition, cardio exercise will strengthen your lungs and heart. 
3 . Controlling Your Weight With cardio training, you can burn more calories. very suitable for people who need to lose weight. While those who have reached their ideal body mass, the training will make it easier to control weight. This exercise also helps erode calories. However this generally depends on your current weight and what kind of cardio exercise you do. Better consult this matter with your doctor or fitness trainer, to know the right type of exercise for your needs.
 4 . Lowering Body Fat Some people do not have problems with their weight.However, there may be also some people have excess fat that kept interrupting. Cardio exercise will help in getting rid of fat. Activities involving the movement of large muscle groups. Regularly doing the training will make you leaner. 
5 . Avoid Boredom Cardio exercise is very fun, you will definitely feel more energized and feel enjoy because of the body's blood flow smoothly and full of energy. 
Notice also the important things when you do cardio :
 Heating and cooling is highly recommended before undergoing training to warm up first reduce the risk of injury as well as after your cardio exercise, continue to cooling activities. When a person suddenly stops exercising blood collects in the muscles and stop breathing feels. When this happens, a person's risk for heart attack. So cooling should be done after the workout. 
Duration The duration is how long you do the activity continuously in one session. Ideally, between 20 and 60 minutes per session. However, if you are a beginner, you can start by doing a shorter workout, about 10 minutes at a time. Once you get used to and feel comfortable, you can increase the amount of time used.
Frequency If you can not get used to doing cardio 3-5 times per week, unless you have a lot of body fat and intend melangsingkannya be added so 5-7 times per week . 
Consumption of protein foods Avoid large meals before doing cardio exercise, for best results consume enough protein foods such as boiled eggs about 30 minutes before your workout as fuel for the body. 
The weather and conditions If the weather and conditions permit, it's a good idea to do Cardio outside the room. This will give you a chance to breathe fresh air and enjoy the natural surroundings. If you want the full benefits of cardio exercise you must stay disciplined, focused and determined to maintain the health of your body. 
3 Types of Sports Cardio to Lose Weight
An effective cardio exercise to burn calories and can not be released as part of a weight loss program, as well as eating a healthy diet. Here are some sports back to basic yet powerful way to help burn calories and reduce body weight.
1. Step Aerobics
Calories burned: 800 cal / hour
      It could be a sport that is not a favorite class is exciting to be attended in the gym, but step aerobics as a form of aerobics that utilize the platform as a foothold is targeting the legs, hips, and buttocks, where these parts are usually the area you want tensioned. By doing this for 1 hour each day, can be divided into 2 sessions each of which lasted half an hour, more toned body that results can be seen after 2 weeks. 
2. Bicycle
Calories burned: 500-1000 cal / hr
      Depending on how fast you drive, the sport certainly will actually burn calories. Cycling outdoors is always fun, but when the time you have very limited, invest in a stationary bike could be one option. You can burn calories while watching a favorite TV show that will distract you from the hard work of a sweat. 
3. Swim
Calories burned: 800 cal / hour
      Swimming is one of the effective options cardio exercise because it involves the entire body including the heart, lungs, and muscles with the possibility of a small muscle spasm. Some of the latest findings stated that swimming in cold water can burn more calories because the body will attempt to maintain body temperature. If you want to try to do it, especially in the pool, lake, ocean even cooler though, be sure to first take action to prevent from hypothermia. You can also stay motivated to keep indulging in the jacuzzi afterwards for the next half hour.

The Software Engineering Process and Relational Databases

This chapter introduces some concepts that are essential to our presentation of the design of the database. We begin by introducing the idea of "software engineering" — a process of specifying systems and writing software. We then take up the subject of relational databases. Most databases in use today are relational, and the focus in this book will be to design a relational database. Before we can actually get into relational databases, we introduce the idea of functional dependencies (FDs). Once we have accepted the notion of functional dependencies, we can then easily define what is a good (and a not-so-good) database.
What Is the Software Engineering Process?
The term "software engineering" refers to a process of specifying, designing, writing, delivering, maintaining, and finally retiring software. There are many excellent references on the topic of software engineering (Schach, 1999). Some authors use the term "software engineering" synonymously with
"systems analysis and design" and other titles, but the underlying point is that any information system requires some process to develop it correctly.Software engineering spans a wide range of information system problems. The problem of primary interest here is that of specifying a database. "Specifying a database" means that we will document what the database is supposed to contain. A basic idea in software engineering is that to build software correctly, a series of steps (or phases) are required. The steps ensure that a process of thinking precedes action — thinking through "what is needed" precedes "what is written." Further, the "thinking before action" necessitates that all parties involved in software development understand and communicate with one another. One common version of presenting the thinking before acting scenario is referred to as a waterfall model (Schach, 1999), as the process is supposed to flow in a directional way without retracing. An early step in the software engineering process involves specifying what is to be done. The waterfall model implies that once the specification of the software is written, it is not changed, but rather used as a basis for development. One can liken the software engineering exercise to building a house. The specification is the "what do you want in your house" phase. Once agreed upon, the next step is design. As the house is designed and the blueprint is drawn, it is not acceptable to revisit the specification except for minor alterations. There has to be a meeting of the minds at the end of the specification phase to move along with the design (the blueprint) of the house to be constructed. So it is with software and database development. Software production is a life-cycle process — it is created, used, and eventually retired. The "players" in the software development life cycle can placed into two camps, often referred to as the "user" and the "analyst." Software is designed by the analyst for the user according to the user's specification. In our presentation we will think of ourselves as the analyst trying to enunciate what the users think they want. There is no general agreement among software engineers as to the exact number of steps or phases in the waterfall-type software development "model." Models vary, depending on the interest of the author in one part or another in the process. A very brief description of the software process goes like this:
  1. Step 1(or Phase 1) : Requirements. Find out what the user wants or needs.
  2. Step 2 : Specification. Write out the user wants or needs as precisely as possible.
  3. Step 2a : Feedback the specification to the user (a review) to see if the analyst (you) have it right.
  4. Step 2b : Re-do the specification as necessary and return to step 2a until analyst and user both understand one another and agree to move on.
  5. Step 3 : Software is designed to meet the specification from step 2.
  6. Step 3a : Software design is independently checked against the specification and fixed until the analyst has clearly met the specification. Note the sense of agreement in step 2 and the use of step 2 as a basis for further action. When step 3 begins, going mback up the waterfall is difficult — it is supposed to be that way.Perhaps minor specification details might be revisited but the idea is to move on once   each step is finished.
  7. Step 4 : Software is written (developed).
  8. Step 4a : Software, as written, is checked against the design until the analyst has clearly met the design. Note that the specification in step 2 is long past and only minor modifications of the design would be tolerated here.
  9. Step 5 : Software is turned over to the user to be used in the application.
  10. Step 5a : User tests and accepts or rejects until software is written correctly (it meets specification and design).
  11. Step 6 : Maintenance is performed on software until it is retired.

Maintenance is a very time-consuming and expensive part of the software process — particularly if the software engineering process has not been done well. Maintenance involves correcting hidden software faults as well as enhancing the functionality of the software.